Find them before they melt!

Today’s plan… nothing!! Rest and relax in the beautiful environment.

But for me the relaxing started with a workout! 😂. And what a place to do it, ocean breeze, sounds of waves hitting the beach and monkeys jumping through the trees about me! It was very sweaty though 🥵

Since joining K2fit and as part of my recovery, i now do 4 strength training sessions a week. Strength and Conditioning has never really been a thing for me, even in my football days I was never introduced to it.

At first it was terrifying, I didn’t feel like I belonged among the posers, sports bras and strong people. But it turns out I do… all my anxieties were in my head, no one else cared what I was lifting or what I looked like and everyone was welcoming and helpful.

Now I love (most days) to put in my headphones, hit the weights and follow my workout plan. Lifting what is right for me and seeing little by little, improvement in how much and how many I can lift. Seeing my body change as the muscles grow has built my confidence.

There are still days when I don’t want to go, days when I’m tired or sore but I still go… as my coach says “consistently is key”. Now for better or for worst.. I can say I am one of those people that goes to the gym 4 times a week. As a result I feel stronger inside and out… I can move easier and have more energy. I am happier and healthier than I think I have been for years.

This became very apparent today. Not only was I confident in a swim suit on the beach… but we had so much fun playing on the beach. And I had the energy for all handstands, cartwheels, chasing and splashing. I did opt out the sand fight however!

The sand fight did give us time to hide some Easter eggs.

The boys were under pressure to find them all before they melted, but I needn’t have worried all were found and demolished with help from some local kids in record time.

Following the egg hunt a game of beach cricket with the local kids entertain med everyone till sunset. That is one thing I love about sport, even without a common language it brings people together!

Thank you Sri Lanka for another beautiful day! Tomorrow we go whale watching!

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